This service is for standard linecut scroll engravings, no gold inlay work ,bulino or deep relief is included in this service. Amount of coverage pertains to all revolvers!
By having your Gun engraved by us you will save a bunch off the cost of your engraving project. Check the Gun Companies prices, get a quote from them then come back here and compare to my prices! But if a letter of Authenticity from the MFG. is important to you than by all means go with them. If you want to save thousands of dollars and still have the same quality or better then by all means go with us!! You won't be disappointed!!. At the request of the customer all engraving projects done by us will include a Letter of Authenticity stating the Item, what the job entailed and a brief Bio of the Artist's work history. This letter will be signed and dated by the Artist. Please call or e-mail for pricing...thank you!! cell-413-813-7780 or Home-413-436-7076
Send mail to
wayne@dangeloengraving.com with
questions or comments about this web site.